When We Don’t Have Live Data

We rely on data from trainsit networks, weather providers and other sources to populate our maps, it’s what keeps them lit up showing live data. Unfortunately these sources can have issues (TFL are currently experiencing a security incident and have frozen their live feeds), which in the worst case can leave our boards blank.

We’ve built a solution to this problem by letting you select alternate data, or data that we have previously recorded, to be displayed on your board in these times. For example, if you enable alternate data and there is an outage of the live data, we can show data from a previous week/month.

This is currently an experimental feature, and isn’t perfect. If we are replaying data from 2 weeks previously but had a gap in the data back then (either from a data source issue, or train engineering works, etc) that same gap will be displayed again now.

This feature can be enabled/disabled any time by visiting your traintrackr dashboard -> selecting your device -> clicking the ‘alternate data’ button.

You can check what data you are currently receiving on the device dashboard, looking for the status box, which will show one of these options.

  1. The board is displaying live data, and the data source is good.
  2. The board is displaying live data, but the live data has issues, so alternate data is available.
  3. The board is displaying alternate data because of the issues with the live data.

This feature is designed for anyone who would rather have their board lit up at these times, and doesn’t mind the data not always being live. We only show alternate data when our main data feed has issues, and will always show live data when we are receiving it, which is most of the time.

TFL Data Outage

We rely on data from TFL to populate our London Underground live maps, currently we are getting no data for the majority London’s tube lines. TFL have told us this is connected to the ongoing security incident they are responding to, which you can read more about here – https://tfl.gov.uk/campaign/cyber-security-incident

Although our London Underground boards aren’t lighting up as they should, this is a problem with our data sources, and not the boards themselves. As soon as we receive data again from TFL our boards will light up again.

The Guardian go into a bit more detail on what is going on here: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/sep/06/transport-for-london-cuts-data-feeds-to-travel-apps-citymapper-amid-cyber-attack

To check on the status of our data sources (including seeing how many arrivals we are receiving for each line), you can check our status page – https://www.traintrackr.co.uk/status

There currently isn’t anything we can do to speed this up, so for now we have to wait for them to complete the work and get us connected again.

Update: We’ve built a temporary solution to the problem

New Colour UK Maps

We’ve introduced 3 new UK map products this autumn, two of which are now using colour LEDs. Our large map has 768 LEDs, and our medium map has 512. Both can display a range of different environmental information, selectable on the product dashboard.

For precipitation, each LED varies in both colour and brightness, to give more accurate information about the type it’s displaying.

The intensity of the LEDs is directly related to how much of that part of the country is experiencing precipitation.   So a bright LED means most of that area is experiencing precipitation.

The colour of that LED then relates to the most common type of precipitation in that area at that moment, from the above chart.

Like our previous generation of maps, you can also enable animations, to show how the weather is progressing over time.

Traintrackr Products 2023-

Product NamePart NumberRelease Date
London Underground – Northern Linetfl-northern22023-09-01
London Underground – Elizabeth Linetfl-elizabeth12023-09-01
London Underground – Circle Linetfl-circle12023-09-01
London Underground – Metropolitan Linetfl-metropolitan12023-09-01
UK and Ireland Map Trackruk-map52023-09-01
UK and Ireland Map Trackr – Colouruk-map62023-09-01
UK and Ireland Map Trackr – Colour (Large)uk-map42023-09-01
New York City Subwaymta32023-09-01
Washington Metrowmata42023-09-01
Boston MBTAmbta92023-10-01
London Underground – Victoria Linetfl-victoria22023-10-01
London Underground (large)tfl62023-11-01
London Underground – Piccadilly Linetfl-piccadilly22023-11-01
London Underground – District Linetfl-district22023-11-01
Chicago “L”cta22023-12-01
BART – San Francisco Bay Areabart32024-02-01

Map Trackr Layers

Our first geographic boards were designed to show rain data, but it became clear that our customers wanted to display more than just rain, so we developed a new generation of ‘map trackrs’, which can show more than rain.

These new map trackrs have the advantage of individually dimmable LEDs (64 brightness levels per LED, rather than just on/off) which lets us display much more detailed information.

The geographic maps lend themselves to environmental/weather data, so we’ve added wind and cloud cover in addition to the original rain layer.

To change the layer your board displays, login to your dashboard, click your device, and then click ‘Map Layers’

This will then show you a modal with the avalibale layers for your map type.

In addition to the new layers, we also added the ability to animate the data. This cycles through the most recent 6 frames of data, ending on the most recent frame.

We update rain data every 15 minutes, so the rain animation shows 75 minutes of data.

We update wind and cloud data every 3 hours, so this animation shows 15 hours of data.

We’ll be adding more data layers in the future, what else do you want to see on your trackrs?

PCB Manufacturing

The history of Traintrackr can briefly be described as ‘tinkering with PCBs until I found something other people wanted to buy’. I designed around 100 PCBs before I came up with the first MBTA subway design, most of which were shown to people around me at the Cambridge Hackspace. It was a good way to improve my PCB designing skills, and a great way to receive feedback along the way. The MBTA PCB got people’s attention, you could see it in their faces once they realized what the blinking LEDs meant, and it was the start of Traintrackr.

Back at school in the late 90s we used a milling machine to fab our own single sided PCBs, it was a bit fiddly, but we managed to get some boards out of it. At the Cambridge Hackspace we had a CNC and the bits to mill PCBs, but despite a few attempts I never managed to successfully get up and running. Despite designing and manufacturing boards professionally over many years, I had never made one for fun. It was at this point that I learnt how easy manufacturing in China was, so decided to give it a go.

The first PCB I made for myself, and the first part of my wireless sensor network. Features: atmega328p, rfm12b, LiPo charging circuit, prototype space.

I started using Dirty PCBs, they offer good prices and all of my early boards were fabbed there. At the time you could get 10 x (50mm x 50mm) boards for $14 including delivery. Amazing considering that the densely populated boards I was designing would be basically impossible to make myself. Despite the name the quality was great, and they all worked perfectly.

Some companies only want to deal with single designs and charge extra if you want to panelize various boards into 1 mini panel, Dirty PCBs don’t mind and will happily fab anything you send them. This can be useful if, like me, you want to build 15 mini PCBs and combine them into 2 x (100mm x 100mm) boards.

15 PCBs Panelized into 2 x (100mm x 100mm) boards. Panelizing saved me quite a lot of money.

When it came to the MBTA board I moved to JLC PCB, partly because they were cheaper, but also because they had recently started their assembly service.

We assembled the prototypes ourselves, using solder paste and a solder stencil, applying all the components by hand before putting it in the oven to bake. We had a few false starts where the circuit breaker tripped, once we sorted those issues out the boards came out really well.

Our first MBTA board in the reflow oven

However, there was way too much manual labor involved, so we moved on to the JLC assembly service.

We couldn’t quite believe the price of the assembly service at first, as they are significantly cheaper than any other assembly service, especially at low volume. The caveat here is that although they have 30k components to hand, that doesn’t cover some of the basics like USB connectors, the ESP8266 chip we use, or many other non standard components you might need. They also sell themselves as a prototype service, so although the quality has been mostly good, sometimes a few boards have come back with minor issues (a component the wrong way around, a scratched board etc), they also only do 30 boards at a time.

One big issue we found with them was on our Large London Underground product, we use 333 of the WS2812B-MINI LEDs on this design and each board had 2 or 3 failures which we had to fix manually. Some research showed that those LEDs are particularly sensitive to moisture when going through the reflow oven, and we assume JLC hadn’t been storing them appropriately.

For our first MBTA board we used their prototype service, hand soldering the ESP8266 and USB connector ourselves. This worked well, and the price was almost the same as buying the boards, buying all the components, and assembling it all ourselves. Despite still having to assemble a couple of components ourselves, the price was truly amazing.

Getting your boards made

There are several stages in getting your data ready for assembly. You’ll need your GERBER file (showing the physical layout of the board), bill of materials (BOM), and your placement file, showing where on the board all the components go, including their orientation. These can all be exported from your PCB design software, although the BOM has to be adjusted quite a bit to fit into the template required by JLC. Once you get the hang of this it’s not too hard, but it took a while to work out what was needed.

There are 3 main parts of the placement file, the side of the board each part is going on (although JLC only assemble one side), the position of the component, and the orientation. It seems that each board house has their own ideas of what 90 degrees looks like, partly based on the orientation of the components as they come out of the tape, and partly based on the software you/they are using. It’s also confusing that the component orientation is calculated anti-clockwise, and not clockwise, which takes some getting used to.

With this in mind JLC will actually manually rotate everything based on the markings on the board, so make sure you have board markings, and make sure they are in the right place. JLC will often email you with an image to confirm the orientation once you have ordered, asking you to add markings in the future. Knowing these markings are right before you submit your order makes things a lot less stressful. One thing to note is that the markings on the board should match up with the makings on the component, which may not be pin 1. A standard IC will have pin 1 marked, but some components have a different pin marked (the WS2812-MINI has pin 3 marked). For these components make sure the marking on your silk screen matches up with the marking on the component.

JLC give you an assembly preview of the files you have uploaded, which is reassuring when you’re about to spend money on your first assembly job. It’s really helpful to make sure everything looks correct, the components are in the right place, and the orientation is correct (although they will fix this if they spot an issue)

JLC assembly preview for the TFL2 board, showing the positions and orientation of all components to be assembled

After several orders from JLC the HT16K33 chips that we were using the drive our LEDs became harder to find, to the point where JLC removed them from their database. On our larger boards we had 5x of these chips, each with 28 pins. Where previously we were hand soldering 25 pins (for the ESP8266 and USB connector), we now had to add another 140, this wasn’t going to work for us.

At this point we were starting to build bigger products, and wanted them in larger volumes. JLC had been good at small scale (and was still perfect for prototyping), but we needed a larger manufacturer. We did some research and went to ALLPCB to manufacture our first batch of 100 MBTA dual direction boards.

The process here is very similar to JLC, although less automated. You supply them your gerber, BOM, and placement file, they quote you the assembly and the PCB costs upfront, but manually price the parts. This is usually back in a day or two. JLC have a huge catalogue of parts to hand (so they can quote your prices right away), ALLPCB have to order all the parts in, so need the time to do that.

I was a bit nervous about ordering 100 boards only to find they had put all the LEDs on back to front (any other component we could have fixed by hand if we really wanted, replacing 500 LEDs per board would not have been viable) but I didn’t need to worry. For every assembly order they will assemble the first board, confirming with you before they make the rest. This starts with photos of the board from a few angles, and gives you your first indication on how the assembly went.

We made the mistake in asking them to program the board so we could see it working. The instructions I sent didn’t make any sense to them, and I wasted a few days trying to explain before they suggested they send me the board to verify myself. Although this adds a bit of cost and time, it’s really reassuring to test the board yourself before the rest of the order is assembled. This is what we do for every production run, so we have a higher confidence that the batch is going to be successful.

We have recently built a board programmer which we will be sending to ALLPCB, which will let them flash firmware to each board, to verify that everything works. This means that any issues found can be corrected over there, saving us any rework when we receive them here. So as we move to higher volumes of boards from them, we can be confident that they are delivering boards that are ready to go, with minimal issues.

Night Mode

Sometimes you might want to adjust the brightness of you board at night, either turning it down, or off completely to avoid night time distractions. With this in mind we’ve built ‘Night Mode’ to let you do this.

First you’ll need to set your timezone, so we can correctly calculate when to adjust the LEDs on your board. You can do this by heading to our website, logging in, and clicking ‘Select Timezone’ in the top right of the dashboard

Now you can click the board you want to adjust, and then the ‘Brightness / Night Mode’ button on the top of the page.

Here you’ll get a popup letting you adjust both daytime brightness, but also the nighttime settings.

You can adjust the brightness and night mode settings as required:

  1. Brightness – during normal operation, how bright should the onboard LEDs be?
  2. Enable [Night Mode] – should we enable the night mode settings?
  3. Night Brightness – How bright should the LEDs be at night? You can also select ‘LEDs off’.
  4. Night Starts – At what time do you want the night settings to start?
  5. Night Ends – At what time do you want the night settings to end?

Note: although you can’t adjust the brightness of our original 100mm x 100mm MBTA trackr, you can still setup night mode, turning the LEDs off at night.

Factory Reset After Uploading Your Own Code

We’ve built our trackr boards to be hackable, you can write your own code and upload it to your board as needed, displaying your own data, or changing the way you display our data.

However, at some point you may want to reset the board to it’s factory firmware, here’s how you do it.

Disclaimer: We can’t fully support boards when new firmware has been uploaded, and can’t guarantee that you’ll be able to factory reset. We’ll help point you in the right direction, but in the event your ‘brick’ your board or can’t get the below code working you may need to send your board back to us for a firmware upgrade.

First you’ll need to install the Arduino IDE and the ESP8266 board files, these can be found here:

We don’t provide access to our firmware directly, but give you a simple sketch that will connect to our servers and download the most recent firmware to your board.

The code for this can be found here: https://github.com/Traintrackr/base_firmware_updater

There are further instructions listed at the top of the Arduino sketch. You’ll need your WiFi SSID, WiFi password, and an update code from us to authorize the server update.

Send us an email if you need to update your board and we’ll send you the details you need.

Adjust Rain Settings

We’ve been asked a few times by customers to adjust the sensitivity of the rain data on our rain products. Here’s what we’ve done, and how you can make the changes.

For our rain maps we process precipitation radar images to determine if it’s raining in any one area, looping through all the areas on the board to get data for the entire map. For each area we calculate how many of the radar image pixels are showing rain, setting a default threshold of 8% rain pixels to show rain in that area.

You can now manually update the rain threshold, setting it from 1% to 100%. You can find the setting on your device page, head to your Traintrackr dashboard, click on your board, then look for the ‘Set Rain Threshold’ button at the top of the page.

Click the button and you’ll see a popup asking you to select a new threshold level. Once you select a new threshold we’ll send it to the board and you’ll see the change reflected within a minute. Any changes made to threshold levels when a board is not running will be sent as soon as the board reconnects again.